Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Kerry's 1st Purple Heart

I found this article and entire site pretty interesting. I'm not really for or against the guy at this point. I am trying to keep an open mind and wait to see the debates before I make any final decision. The site has to do with the Officer's that served with him in Vietnam and for the most part, they just don't like him because of the things he said about the war and the activities of the unit (which they claim are not true and the picture here shows attitudes contrary to the pictures Kerry described.) and they also claim that he didn't follow orders very well. I am trying not to fault the guy for leaving Vietnam the way he did because if I had a chance to come home to my family (especially a chance given because I was wounded 3 times already) I would probably take it, but I am not planning on getting into politics either. I don't know that I would want a Commander in Chief that gets out when the going gets tough and not see a job through.

1 comment:

Combat Doc said...

You and I have the same problem. Waiting for the debate and making sense of the record will be the toughest of choices. Keep flying, we love you guys in Mosul.