Bill got his helicopter in the mail today and we flew three separate times. He crashed his a lot and broke his tailrotor. He also got superglue all over his tailrotor motor and it is making it not work well so he ordered some replacement parts. Good thing is that it is still flyable. My helicopter has a strange vibration which I have almost no clue where it is coming from or what to do about it. I have something I will try tomorrow, but the few times I was able to take off without the vibrations effecting the copter, I was hovering great! I think if I could just get my vibration to go away, that I could hover for a whole battery charge (about 7 minutes). I can't wait for tomorrow to fly some more, I just hope my next idea for things to try to fix it will work.
Helicopters are pretty cool. What kind was it? What brand?
Its a dragonfly. The cheapest one I could find to train on.
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