Wednesday, September 29, 2004

On Vacation

After today I won't be around a computer very much for a few weeks so I won't be blogging much if at all. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. All I want to do is sleep the days and time away until I get back home, but I am way to excited. I am looking forward to not having mortar or rocket attacks and not listening to f-16s with afterburners applied, flying right over my tent. I'm am looking forward to homecooked food and little children to play with. Get me out of here! :)


G said...


I found your blog fascinating. Reading into the life of someone deployed in a 'war zone' is fairly interesting. Doesn't sound as action packed as I'd have thought though to be honest.

Jonesturtle said...

Your right, I'm not one of the soldiers in the citys busting down doors or anything. As a Medevac Pilot, I mostly see the aftermath of it all. There are a lot of things I don't feel comfortable writing about mainly because I don't want to concern my family.