Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I just found out that I get to go on leave in a couple of days and I am obviously extremely excited. I have a lot of plans for what I want to do with my family over the next two weeks, but most of all I am just excited to see them. I have been away from home for the last 8 months, the longest stretch I have spent yet. I have a wife and three young children who will tackle me as soon as they see me and it can't be soon enough. I really don't know how I am going to get back on the plane when the time is over.

An update on the mouse: he is still here somewhere. He is still licking the traps clean. I don't know how we could easily catch the other 3 and not this one. I'm definitely going to have to try a different technique. Fortunately in a couple of days it won't be my problem.

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